Dear DCCA Member,
The Annual General Meeting of the Daventry Constituency Conservative Association will be held on Friday 19th March at 7.30pm online using Zoom.
Nominations are open for the following positions: Chairman, Deputy Chairman (Political), Deputy Chairman (Membership & Fundraising) & Honorary Treasurer. We also invite nominations for Vice Presidents. To be valid, the nominations must be proposed and seconded and reach the office no later than Thursday 11th March 2021 at 12:00 noon. Please submit your nomination via email or post. If there is more than one nomination for any position, a vote will take place on Thursday 18th March however the result will be announced at the AGM.
If you wish to participate in this meeting you must register in advance:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Please do take the opportunity to join us for an enjoyable and informative evening.