Our Young Conservatives (YC) meet up every three months with Daventry MP Chris Heaton-Harris for a casual meal, normally takeaway, and to talk about the current events in our very own version of "Question Time"!
YC's are a variety of ages with a variety of interests this normal creatives interesting convocation. Along side this YC have a strong attendance at all local Conservative events, we also go out canvassing which is an opportunity to talk to local residents and other young conservatives which share the interest in politics.
Join our Facebook Group - Click HERE. This is a closed group so please bear in mind you'll have to wait for someone to verify you.
Sign up to our YC Mailing List - Click HERE
Young Conservatives Membership costs just £5 - As a YC member you have all the same rights as any other member.
As a member you will be able to:
Decide who represents the Party in Local and General Elections.
Vote in elections for the Leader of the Party.
Attend social events with various speakers such as MPs, Lords and leading thinkers.
Have a say on future policy through the Conservative Policy Forum.
The right to attend Conservative Party Conference.
A membership card
Regular email updates