We are excited to announce that together with our neighbouring Associations, we will be holding our very first West Northants Conference on Saturday 2nd March 2024.
This is an opportunity for you to meet your local MPs, your Council Leader and Deputy Leader and to ask them all the questions that matter the most to you. Alongside this we will also have your Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner too.
At the conference you will also have the opportunity to feed in your policy views, if you have ever wondered what it takes to be a local Councillor, you will be able to find out the wonderful work they do in representing their communities. You will also have the chance to register your interest if you wish to stand.
We are offering early bird tickets until 1st February for £15 which includes the day's conference and lunch, after the 1st February, tickets will be £20.
We hope you will be able to join us for what will be a fun, interesting and thought-provoking day.